Enable scale-up of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and forge links to HIV testing.
Since 2010, the annual number of new HIV infections among adults has remained static at an alarming 1.9 million cases.
PrEP is a one-pill-daily antiretroviral treatment that reduces the risk of HIV infection by more than 90 percent. Making PrEP accessible to groups at highest risk for HIV—men who have sex with men and transgender women—is part of a global strategy to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
“Our mission is to generate scientific knowledge, but it is our value and direction that this knowledge is translated into welfare, products and public policies that guarantee access.”
Nísia Trindade Lima, president of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)
The project has been expanded to also include Lonf Acting PrEP products.
The impact we are seeking
This project will be implemented in Brazil, Peru and Mexico, including an adolescent component in Brazil. Unitaid estimates that more than 400 HIV infections will be averted over the lifetime of the grant, and that after scale-up—five years beyond the project—about 78,000 transgender women and men who have sex with men, of whom 23,000 are adolescents, will have received PrEP in the three countries involved, averting more than 3200 infections annually. Also, the project will yield data that can help shape policy on HIV prevention and show the effectiveness and economic benefits of PrEP. The three countries are expected to save US$ 34 million a year in HIV treatment costs.
Progress so far
The PrEP portfolio, including the Wits RHI projcet, has generated an evidence base for successfully addressing the needs of underserved populations contributing to advancing equity in access to oral daily PrEP as a viable choice through diversified channels and delivery models. It has generated operational evidence to contribute to scale-up in targeted countries and to raising awareness around PrEP in some neighbouring countries in LAC and Africa and in the Asia Pacific region. Globally, the projects contributed to WHO-generated policy, guidelines and protocol development/updates through research generated, development of case studies and collaboration on WHO development committees.